
Showing posts from January, 2023

Were there any cases of village or town or forest that suddenly disapeared?

  There have been a few instances throughout history where entire villages, towns, or forests have disappeared. Some examples include: The disappearing island of  Lohachara in the Bay of Bengal : The island, which was home to around 10,000 people, was submerged by rising sea levels caused by climate change. The disappearing town of  Centralia, Pennsylvania, USA : A mine fire that began in 1962 caused the town to be evacuated and eventually abandoned as the fire continues to burn underground. The disappearing town of  Fordlandia, Brazil : Henry Ford built a rubber plantation town in the Amazon rainforest, but it failed and was eventually abandoned. The disappearing village of  San Juan Parangaricutiro, Mexico : The village was buried by a volcanic eruption in 1943 and remains buried to this day. The disappearing forest of  the Amazon rainforest : Deforestation has caused large areas of the forest to disappear due to logging, mining, and agriculture. These cases are the result of differe

Some people think Pebble Beach Golf Course is overrated as a top golf course. Why is this? (Answers)

  Pebble Beach Golf Course is widely considered one of the best golf courses in the world and has been the site of many major tournaments, including the U.S. Open. However, some golfers may think it is overrated for several reasons. One reason may be that the course is quite expensive to play, which can make it less accessible to some golfers. Additionally, it can be difficult to secure a tee time on the course, which can also make it less accessible. Another reason may be that some golfers find the course too challenging. Pebble Beach is known for its narrow fairways, rugged terrain, and challenging greens, which can make it difficult for some golfers to score well. Finally, some golfers may think that the course is too heavily trafficked, which can make it less enjoyable to play. It's worth noting that opinions on golf course are highly subjective, and Pebble Beach Golf Course remains one of the most iconic and historic golf course in the world.

How were royal palaces in the Middle Ages before the introduction of glass windows?

  In the Middle Ages, before the introduction of glass windows, royal palaces had several methods of letting in light and providing ventilation. Louvers: These were slats of wood or stone that were placed in walls or roofs to let in light and air. They could be opened or closed to control the amount of light and air entering the palace. Arrow slits: These were narrow openings in walls that allowed archers to fire arrows at attackers while providing some light and ventilation. Clerestory windows: These were windows located high up on walls that let in light while keeping the interior private. Transom windows: These were small windows located above doors that let in light and air. Open courtyards: Many palaces had open courtyards that provided light and ventilation to the palace. Glassless window openings: Some palaces had openings in the walls for windows, but no glass. They were covered with shutters or a thin piece of translucent material, such as oiled linen, to keep out the elements